Monday 4 July 2011

Taking a Stand Against Practices That Harm Women

Throughout the world, practices that undermine the well-being of women endure. But like slavery and foot-binding, they constitute egregious violations of basic human rights.
  • At least 130 million women have been forced to undergo female genital mutilation/cutting. Another 2 million are at risk each year from this degrading and dangerous practice.

  • Killings in the name of 'honour' take the lives of thousands of young women every year, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa and parts of South Asia.

  • Forced early marriage of young girls or adolescents is another practice that can cause lifelong psychological as well as physical problems, especially those resulting from early childbearing.

In most industrialized societies, although gender-based violence is officially condemned, it persists, implicitly sanctioned by messages in mass media.

In some developing countries, practices that subjugate and harm women - such as wife-beating, killings in the name of honour, female genital mutilation/cutting and dowry deaths - are condoned as being part of the natural order of things. Throughout much of Asia, a preference for male children results in the neglect and sometimes infanticide of girls, or their elimination by abortion in places where prenatal tests are available to determine the sex of the foetus.

And as conflicts among ethnic groups rage, women and girls have increasingly become pawns of war, and face rape and forced pregnancies. FGM/FGC, coerced sex and early marriage are also factors in the spread of HIV to women.

Eradicating long-standing traditional practices does not happen overnight. One way to begin, though, is by information and advocacy that raises public awareness and changes the climate of public opinion.


  1. it is amazing how despite there being differences in cultures and lifestyles between societies, much of the issues women are facing today may varry size but are the pretty much the same. it is for this reason that young women everywhere must unite to create concerted efforts in making our lives better!

  2. Roseline Nsenge21 July 2011 at 03:02

    Women should be in control of their bodies and sexuality. Often women behave the way society wants/wishes them to behave because of the issue of men controlling women's bodies and sexuality!

    Take an example of the intention of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Its intended to reduce women's sexuality so that women don't get sexual urge to cheat with other men! And surprisingly FGM is carried out by older women on young girls. it would make sense if the intention was for health reasons.

    In Uganda we still have societies practicing FGM. We have a law currently prohibiting the practice but some societies are still practicing it. Older women, the so called "surgeons" carry it out in the night on the young girls. The question here is that is it worth it!

    Women, lets unite and fight these Painful, shameful, primitive and degrading practices. We who can speak out, lets speak out for the voiceless. Am sure even the little girls who under go FGM are not happy with the practice but have no option because if they refused, they would be banished from their homes.

    Its men who determine when a pregnancy is dangerous for the mother's life, its men who determine a good wife, she should be a "virgin" But the question is who broke her virginity before? Its those same men!

    Lets stop leaving in denial, lets not be shy of our sexuality, God gave us the power and wisdom to decide what is good and bad for us as women.
